
This site is intended for administrators of WorldOfTanks gaming clans.

After OpenID auth (“Sign in” link at the top of page), every clan member have access for own profile page. On this profile page you can set up:

  • option “clanmates only” for visitors of your account pages
  • your email address, if you want to receive email notifications about clan news
  • list of the non top vehicles in your garage
  • short message (up to 10 chars) about your in-game status

The site can serve clans in three planes: free, base and premium.

Free plane is the default mode, and it available immediately after adding clan from form on main page. With free plane, you can update the data no more frequently than once every three days. To update the data, you need to visit any clan page and click the link “Update data”.

Benefits of paid service modes you can see in this table.